Sunday, November 2, 2008

Faith is HERE !!!!!

Here she is with her mommy Miss Faith Nahai Diane. She spent the first hour and a half screaming and trying to get away from us. So Janet put her on the bed, sat next to her rubbing here back and head. Nahai would stop crying, glance over at one of us and start crying again. This went on for about a full hour.
Then slowly she started looking at us, just a little longer, stopped crying and let us get a little closer. By the time this picture was taken she was laughing at her silly baba (daddy). And Mom was cuddling her.
She is so beautiful and we love her so much. Tonight ended well. I'm sure tomorrow will bring some more difficulties but we will be there for her and we will get though it together. She is with her mom and dad now, her family.


cdrosenbalm said...

She is beautiful!! Oh my goodness so precious!! We are so thrilled for you all. We are praying daily that these next few days go well.

Charles and Denise

cdrosenbalm said...

Charles showed this picture in church today so everyone could meet Faith. (Can you tell we are ALL excited). Everyone was thrilled for you all.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am just crying over here. She is so beautiful!!

God has truly granted you the desires of your heart.

Welcome to the 592 Family, Faith Nahai Diane. We have loved you for a very long time!!

Lots of hugs and kisses,

Aunt Beth, Uncle Dave and Grace

Marsha said...

Tears of joy streaming down my face! I'm so very happy for you all. Janet, I did just as I promised - for 30 minutes...

The boys looked like proud big brothers today. I couldn't get a read on Joylin, though. I guess it's not real to her until she sees Faith face to face.

Love and prayers to you all.