Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Going to the orphanage

Good morning,

Well it's 3:30am and we are wide awake again. A little better than yesterday but we are going to have to stay up later to get the schedule right.

Yesterday was good but we have had some changes. Faith continues to grow in her bond with us.
We were eating lunch in the hotel and one of the young women working there wanted to hold Faith. She put her arms out to Faith and she went to her but as soon as she was in her arms she immediately wanted back to Janet. Since then Faith has been very clingy to Janet. Not wanting to be away from her at all. Most of the day she wouldn't come to me, and she had been favouring me for a while. Normally Janet wouldn't let anyone hold her but it was one of those situations were it happened so fast and Janet didn't want to be rude. But it really seemed to affect her and Janet says it won't happen again. Sorry ladies, there won't be any Faith holding for a while....... :( And when you see her you are going to want to hold her.

Faith does love to be out an about and is just like her dad, she loves to eat. We went out last night as a group to a restaurant and Faith and I put away some food. It was delicious. The local food here in Nanchang is very spicy. And when I say very spicy I mean "I think I might die" spicy. The first servings were just good, a little hot but delicious. The second helpings were a little hotter but you just had to have some more. Then in the middle of the third servings you began to burn. Not just your lips but everything all the way down. Turned out what I thought were tasty little green bean like things were hot peppers. Obviously Faith and I didn't have the same dishes but she went after hers with the same fervor as dad. What a great dinner.

Today Janet and Faith will be going to the park with several of the families so there will be lots of pictures. I'm taking a trip to the orphanage in Fuzhou. It's about a 4 hour round trip. In some ways you just want to move on, not think about what Faith has been through. In a years time she has had 4 mothers. Been with 4 groups of strangers. Had no father figure at all until now.
It's enough to break your heart.
Faith you are with your forever family now. We have loved you before we knew you. We have been praying for you since before you were born. We don't know why you had to go through this, but we do know that you are gift to be treasured, that your life is one of incredible value and significance. We love you and will be there for you always. BaBa


cdrosenbalm said...

Well I am glad Janet had the experience that Faith wanted her. It is good to see she is beginning the bonding process. Tim thanks again for the beautiful blog. Always good to hear your heart. Can't wait to here about your trip to the orphanage and Janet's day at the park.


Denise and Charles

Brandi said...

What a blessing that she is bonding so well with the 2 of you. Why wouldn't she? She was hand picked by God for your family :). You are both wonderful parents I'm sure she can feel yall's love. I already want to hold her, no fair :)..... She is beautiful. We are all enjoying following your blog. We keep it opened at all times and when one of us walk by we refresh it to see if there is new news. Our prayers will continue to be with you. We can't wait to meet little Faith.

Marsha said...

=)) (That's a BIG smile!) I'm overjoyed with this report! The Lord is being faithful to answer all our prayers. Mike and I continue to pray.